2021 PAD Membership Renewal

2021 Annual PAD Membership Drive

It is time to renew your PAD membership. You can see our Membership Secretary, Alex Lemanski to get the form. Also, remember that your membership due will be included with four issues of PADette Newsletter.

Please don’t wait for Alex Lemanski to tap on your shoulder to remind you to pay the due! He has a lot of work to be done and will be appreciated with your cooperation.


Active $45.00 $50.00

Associate $35.00 $40.00

Life $15.00 $20.00

Senior Citizen $20.00 $25.00

College Student $15.00 $20.00

Please note that you will pay higher due on and after April 1, 2021. (Note: we DO NOT FOOL you on April Fools’ Day!) Also, remember that your subscription of PADette Newsletter will be temporarily suspended after March 31, 2021 unless you pay your due.

If you are NEW to join, you can only choose either Associate or College Student. And add $5.00 membership initialization fee to your membership due. Please see the club manager OR Alex Lemanski.

Make a check or money order payable to Pittsburgh Association of the Deaf. Please write “2021 Annual PAD Membership” after the memo on lower left corner of your personal check.

Enclosed self addressed envelope with stamp if want membership card.

Mail to:

Pittsburgh Ass’n of the Deaf, Inc.Attn: Alex Lemanski

1854 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15219-5836