President’s Corner

President’s Corner

Hello Members & Friends,

It is about time for me to be your club president of 2011 and like to see PAD keeping to stay strong forever.  I will have plenty of energy and strength to challenge my opportunity.

I like to applaud to our past president, Cheryl Noschese who had been working great to turn “all situations” around in the past four years.  Also thanked her team people for their hard efforts in 2010.

I had to resign as Holiday Party chairperson and passed the responsibility to new chairperson, Sue Babich.

It is a reminder to renew your 2011 membership dues to keep us with our club’s expenses and please see Todd Langer.  New members are always welcome.

Hope for the STEELERS are climbing up stairway to Seventh Heaven against PACKERS in Texas.  We will have Super Bowl XLV party at PAD on February 6 and be sure of wearing STEELERS clothes in black & gold with terrible towels.

I encourage you to help by attending most events hosted at PAD through the year.

Please remember to mark down for the next active meetings on February 12, March 12 and April 9 at 7:30 PM.

Your President,

Mark Babich

Editor – Lori Ann LaSorsa

Hello Everyone, I hope you all stay warm and stay safe during those winter months!!! We all can’t wait for spring around the corner!!!  We will be having lots of events going on at the Club. Keep an eye on it and hope you all attend the Events and help out the Club.

Thanks, Lori Ann

Club Manager- Holly Mendel

Hello Everyone, I want to let you know that PAD will be closed every Wednesday for month of February and will reopen on March 2nd. Many thanks!!

Thanks, Holly Mendel