PAD New Email Subscription System

We have been waiting for this for a long time – PAD has launched a new email subscription system today in our website. You might find this YELLOW box on the right side bar in all pages. PAD is in partnership with FeedBurner, a free news feed management provider to build the email subscription system.

This is the biggest advantage of your time – you can get our news, announcements, and other events first through email instantly. The quarterly newsletters come in later. Another advantage is to save PAD’s financial for sending out the newsletter mailings (reducing the cost of papers, printing, and postage).

When you are paying for the 2008 membership, we will ask you if you wish to continue subscribing our newsletter by mail. If you chose to say NO, we will remove your name and mailing address in our database to stop sending the newsletter. Then you will need to join the electronic email subscription for PAD news and events through our website.

To follow the steps on how to subscribe PAD news/events from your email:
1. Look at the YELLOW box on top right sidebar.
2. Enter your email address in text box and hit ‘Subscribe’ button.
3. The pop-up window appears. Feedburner will request you to verify the message. Follow this step.
4. Feedburner will send your email for another final verification message. Check your email.
5. In that email message, click the web address to activate your email subscription.

If you didn’t follow those steps above, you will not get email subscription from PAD news and events.